Gender diversity in the tech industry is a crucial topic that demands attention. Despite the significant strides made in various fields within the arena of tech, one aspect that has not kept pace with innovation is gender diversity. In 2022, women made up only 28% of the tech-related workforce, and they hold a mere 5% of leadership roles in tech (1).  Despite various initiatives and heightened awareness, the sector continues to grapple with significant disparity. This article examines the present state of gender diversity in technology, explore some of the statistics, the challenges faced by women, and what needs to change for a more inclusive future.

The Current State of Gender Diversity in Tech

Recent statistics highlight a stark reality in the technology sector. Women represent only 26.7% of the tech workforce in the United States, a figure that contrasts sharply with their 57% representation in the overall workforce​​ (2). The gap widens further in senior roles. During the pandemic, women held a mere 10% of C-suite positions in tech, and only around 5% of large tech companies have female CEOs​​ (3).

Big Tech’s Struggle with Diversity

Despite public commitments to enhance diversity, large tech companies have shown minimal progress. For instance, at the end of 2020, only 3.9% of Facebook’s employees were Black​​. The overall workforce in these companies remains predominantly male and white, and diversity efforts often seem more perfunctory than impactful​​.

Barriers to Women’s Advancement in Tech

Women in tech encounter significant obstacles in career advancement. They are 14% less likely to be promoted than men, and many women in executive positions experience imposter syndrome, doubting their achievements (4)​​. This problem is even more acute for women of colour, who face greater challenges and represent a smaller percentage of the tech workforce​​.

The Persistent Pay Gap

The gender pay gap remains a glaring issue in tech despite it being 50 years since the Equal Pay Act was passed. A study of 250 tech professionals in the UK found that 91.1% of companies pay their male employees more than their female staff.  This puts the tech industry’s gender pay gap at 16% higher than the national average of 11.6% (5).  This is down when you compare it to the 17.3% in 2020-2021, but experts say that it will stake another 30 years for the pay to close if we continue to do so at this slow rate.

The Role of Venture Capital in Gender Disparity

The venture capital landscape mirrors this disparity. In 2023, all-women founding teams received only 3% of total venture capital dollars, while mixed gender teams received 15%, leaving the vast majority for all-male teams.

To address this issue, it’s crucial to not only focus on mentoring and networking opportunities but also ensure that women have equal access to financial resources. One way to tackle this problem is to invest in startups that are majority owned by women, rather than just run by them.

This approach can help break the cycle of male-dominated ownership and create a more level playing field for women in tech.

Cultural and Structural Challenges

Beyond professional obstacles, societal expectations and traditional gender roles continue to influence women’s career paths in technology. They are often disproportionately burdened with caregiving duties, affecting their work-life balance and career progression. Cultural stereotypes steer women away from tech and leadership roles, perpetuating a cycle of underrepresentation​​.

Creating a culture of diversity and inclusion is essential for fostering women in tech. When organisations build a diverse workplace, communication is opened, and employees are encouraged to share their perspectives and ideas- and the company is more willing to listen, take things on board and make the changes that need to happen.

This not only creates a safe and nurturing environment for women in tech but also leads to better decision-making, increased innovation, and higher profitability.

So, What are the Solutions?

Understanding the challenges faced by women in tech is just the first step; implementing effective solutions is crucial for closing the gender gap. Here are some strategies that can make a significant difference:

  1. Increasing Female Representation in STEM: The key to narrowing the technology gender pay gap lies in boosting female representation across all levels in STEM fields. Dismantling the notion of IT as a ‘boys club’ and encouraging young women to pursue STEM education can alter industry perceptions.
  2. Role Models Matter: The lack of visible female role models in technology is a barrier. A staggering 78% of students are unable to name a famous woman in tech, reflecting the male dominance at the helm of major tech corporations like Apple, Google, Tesla, and Amazon (6). Amplifying the voices of women in tech through case studies, media coverage, and public discourse can inspire the next generation of female tech professionals.
  3. Promoting Women to Senior Roles: The underrepresentation of women in senior tech roles contributes significantly to the pay gap. In the UK, for instance, only 22% of tech directors are women (7). Addressing gender bias in promotions and empowering women to ascend to higher positions is crucial. Companies with female leadership often report better performance and more socially responsible values.
  4. Embracing Flexible Working: The pandemic has revolutionized work cultures, with flexible working becoming increasingly prevalent. This shift has particularly benefited working mothers, allowing them to balance professional and domestic responsibilities more effectively. For women to progress in their careers, it’s essential that companies implement flexible working practices at all levels, including in senior roles.
  5. Holding Businesses Accountable: Addressing the gender pay gap also involves holding companies accountable. Mandatory reporting on gender pay disparities compels businesses to prioritize this issue. Public awareness campaigns, such as The Fawcett Society’s ‘Equal Pay Day’, highlight the pay gap and its implications, fostering a culture of accountability and change.


The tech industry’s struggle with gender diversity is a reflection of deep-rooted systemic issues. Token initiatives are not enough; what is required is a comprehensive approach that addresses recruitment strategies, biases in funding and promotion, and cultural stereotypes. As the tech sector continues to innovate, it must also commit to creating a diverse and inclusive environment that truly represents the society it serves.

If you are a woman looking for a role in tech, reach out to us today – we might have just the thing for you!

Natalie Harper

Author Natalie Harper

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