The current economic climate has been described as challenging for startups, but it presents a unique opportunity for determined founders to distinguish themselves. Despite facing a more competitive market and increased scrutiny, some entrepreneurs are optimistic about the potential for innovation, particularly in the technology sector.

History offers examples of companies like Microsoft, Airbnb, and Slack that emerged successfully from adverse market conditions.  And you can too.

To capitalise on this opportunity, founders must be willing to adopt different strategies than they may have done in the past.

Forming Partnerships

One such strategy involves building strategic partnerships with industry experts and established players. These partnerships can offer insights into product-market fit, especially through pilot programs, and access to capital sources beyond traditional venture capital. They also provide valuable references and proof points for early-stage startups, helping to alleviate customer apprehensions.

In the healthcare sector, for instance, collaborating with regional health systems or integrated delivery networks can be highly advantageous. These partners possess a deep understanding of systemic gaps and can offer guidance during product development. Additionally, they provide a real-world testing environment for solutions, enabling refinement based on user feedback.

Some of the big giants in the tech industry have set up programmes to specifically aid and assist startups e.g. Microsoft’s Pegasus Program.

Furthermore, numerous prominent brands have opted to subcontract their development efforts to initiate and sustain their enterprises in their early days – and there is no shame in that.

Startup accelerator programmes such as Y Combinator are excellent way to meet partners who could give your idea and company and the leg up it needs.

This practice remains prevalent among many tech startups. An illustrative instance of this approach lies in Skype’s history, where its triumph hinged on the contributions of three Estonian developers responsible for crafting the core application infrastructure.

Similarly, Slack, a leading corporate communication platform, once entrusted the design of its web interface to British-based MetaLab. This strategic decision ultimately proved highly beneficial. Another noteworthy case pertains to the daily deals platform AppSumo, though further details are required to elaborate on its significance.

Prioritise and Focus

In today’s market, capital efficiency and execution are paramount. Blitz scaling, a high-burn approach, is no longer viable. Founders must align spending with performance, prioritise focused experimentation, and emphasise economic arguments to demonstrate the value of their solutions.

In a startup’s journey, the abundance of choices can lead to confusion. To navigate this, defining your startup’s top priorities is crucial. This clarity not only aids in prioritising tasks but also ensures alignment with your overarching vision. Identifying what matters most involves pinpointing key areas such as product development, customer acquisition, marketing, and team building.

Adaptation to different growth stages is also vital; strategies that work in the seed stage may differ from those needed for scaling up. While priorities may evolve, your core vision should remain steadfast. As your company grows, embrace new opportunities and strategies that align with your original vision, incorporating them into your roadmap for success. Recognising what truly matters accelerates decision-making and resource allocation, ultimately maximising your chances of success and unlocking your business’s full potential.

Transparency & Accountability

Transparency is a trust-building catalyst essential for any successful business relationship. By openly sharing information about practices, policies, and decision-making, a company demonstrates its commitment to ethical conduct. This level of openness engenders confidence in stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the public, regarding the organisation’s intentions and reliability.

Transparency and accountability are closely linked. In a transparent business environment, the company is held responsible for its actions, decisions, and societal/environmental impact. Open reporting and disclosure practices demonstrate a commitment to responsible business practices and sustainability, building trust and aiding stakeholders in assessing the company’s financial health.

Supply chain transparency is now crucial, meeting demands for information on sourcing practices, labour conditions, and environmental impact. This practice protects the organisation’s reputation and builds trust among socially and environmentally conscious customers.

Embracing transparency in today’s business landscape cultivates openness, responsible behaviour, and ethical practices. It strengthens relationships, fosters loyalty, and contributes to a more ethical and sustainable future, ultimately serving as a competitive advantage for long-term success.

Building the Team

When founders embark on the journey of building their team in the early days of a startup, it’s essential to prioritise certain qualities and considerations over others. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

  1. Disposition Over Pedigree: While qualifications certainly have their place, the unique challenges of a startup often demand individuals who are not only skilled but also have the right temperament.
  2. Resilience: Team members who can bounce back from setbacks, learn from failures, and keep pushing forward are invaluable. Resilience is the backbone of successful startup teams.
  3. Adaptability: Team members who can adapt quickly to evolving circumstances, pivot when necessary, and embrace new challenges with enthusiasm are indispensable assets.
  4. Decisiveness: The ability to weigh pros and cons swiftly and take calculated risks is essential for progressing in a fast-paced startup.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence fosters effective communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution, all of which are essential for a harmonious and productive work environment.
  6. Team Compatibility: A cohesive team that works well together is often more effective than a collection of talented individuals who struggle to collaborate.
  7. Passion for the Mission: When team members believe in the purpose of the startup, they are more likely to go above and beyond to contribute to its success.
  8. Cultural Fit: Team members who align with the startup’s values and culture are more likely to thrive and contribute positively to the workplace environment.
  9. Continuous Learning: Look for candidates who are eager to learn and grow.

These traits, combined with a passion for the company’s mission, often prove more valuable than a candidate’s educational background or previous employment at prestigious organisations. Building a team with the right disposition can be the key to navigating the challenges and uncertainties that come with launching and growing a startup.


In conclusion, the current economic conditions have created a clear distinction among startup founders. Those who build strong partnerships, execute with transparency and accountability, and grow their teams holistically are poised for success.

This moment represents a defining opportunity for this generation of business leaders, and their actions today will have a lasting impact. Startup funding may be down, but the potential for success remains for those who navigate these challenges strategically.

If we can help with growing your team or indeed, putting plans in place for when that time comes around, please get in touch with us.

Natalie Harper

Author Natalie Harper

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